Friday 12 August 2016

My First Post!

Heyy my name is Abigail, i really, really like chicken and waffles (like really) and this my first time blogging (YYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSS) so i'm super excited, yo' ( just in case you didn't pick that up from the very shouty, bold capital letters of my 'yas'). 2016 has been a year full of ups and downs and for the next few weeks this blog will be your go to for all present, past(just in case you missed it) and possibly future (yes, i do predict the future) celebrity news in 2016. The amount of shade thrown and BEEF that has gone in the first half of 2016 is insane. This blog will keep you up to date with the mysterious activities that happen in the world of these strange beings us humans call celebrities. For those of you who aren't up to tabs with the latest youth 'slang', this might be a bit of a learning expierence for you and help you seem "hip" and "cool" infront of your kids or any "adolescents" you may be surrounded by (you're welcome). Hope you enjoy, it's bouta get LIT! 

New words: 

Yo' exlamation - 1 A contraction ot the possessive prenominal adjective "your" 2 An informal address or title to one whose name is not known to the another 3 A declaritive or imperative exvlaimation whether alone or within a sentance. 
Shade noun - illegitimate behaviour/disrespect towrds someone either blatently or subtly. 
Shade verb - typically accompanied by the word "throw" or "throwing", as in to to "throw someone shade" meaning to act shady, fake, ude or "funny" around or towards them.
Beef noun - A fight or fuede between parties.
Lit adj. - When something is extremely fun or good.

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